California Traumatic Brain injury (TBI) Advisory Board

The California TBI Advisory Board advises state leadership on policies, programs, and services impacting people with TBI, their families, and support systems
The TBI Advisory Board is comprised of 19 members and is majority led by TBI survivors. The Board includes medical practitioners, educators, representatives from foundations for TBI and nonprofit health related organizations, representatives from Independent Living Centers, Aging and Disability Recourse Centers, Protection and Advocacy agency, and long-term care ombudsman, along with family and caregivers of individuals with TBI.
Brain Injury Survivor Committee
The Brain Injury Survivor Committee (BISC) is comprised of brain injury survivors (both acquired and traumatic) who work in collaboration with the TBI Advisory Board to maintain a focus on survivors, their families, support networks, and their caregivers. The BISC works to establish and promote plain language materials to improve education and awareness about TBI, resources for new survivors, and assist in closing gaps in services, supports, and information surrounding TBI. The BISC reminds the TBI Advisory Board that all work of the Board, Committees, and Program must be person-centered and culturally and linguistically competent.
Public Policy and Funding Committee
The Public Policy and Funding Committee (PPFC) expands systems to support people with TBI through resources, funding, and policy initiatives. The PPFC promotes the creation of education, awareness, and training materials to support the identification, intervention, and resources for post-acute services.
Data Analytics Committee
The Data Analytics Committee (DAC) collects and analyzes data received through the Needs Assessment, TBI Registry, partner agencies, and TBI Sites to inform and support TBI Program and Advisory Board initiatives.
Education and Public Outreach Committee
The Education and Public Outreach Committee (EPOC) will create resources and education for consumers, caregivers, and practitioners around early identification, resource navigation, and community integration. They will work with community-based organizations to provide resources to those that intersect with populations that are most at-risk and underserved, such as those who obtain TBI due to intimate partner violence or those experiencing chronic homelessness. The EPOC will also create unique partnerships to help individuals to identify TBI outside of medical institutions for prevention, earlier intervention, and better access to care.
TBI State Plan Committee
The TBI State Plan Committee is responsible for the creation and ongoing revisions of California’s TBI State Plan. The State Plan acts as a blueprint that details the program’s goals, objectives, findings, and next steps. The first iteration of the State Plan was finalized in July 2022 and will be revised annually.
Questions? Please call Matthew Berube at (916) 558-5640 or email
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Advisory Committees