Vocational Rehabilitation Connections
(VRC) Portal

The Vocational Rehabilitation Connections (VRC) Portal is an online portal that will enhance collaboration, business processes, and service delivery. Once fully implemented, the portal will help Department of Rehabilitation (DOR) consumers and vendors save time and increase efficiency and accuracy by automating tasks. Implementation of the VRC Portal began in January 2021 and will continue to expand to serve the needs of DOR consumers, vendors, and staff.
Vendors with an existing VR Connections Portal account may use the following
link to login:
Multi-Factor Authentication Instructional Videos
The following videos provide instructions for the three Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) options vendors may choose from when accessing the VR Connections Portal, including MFA via email, text, and the Salesforce Authenticator App (supported by both iPhone and Android devices).
Multi-Factor Authentication via Email
Multi-Factor Authentication via Text
Multi-Factor Authentication via Salesforce Authenticator App
Invoice Submission Training
Consumer Resources
(SPANISH) Verification of Goods and Services Consumer Reference Guide
(ARMENIAN) Verification of Goods and Services Consumer Reference Guide
Verification of Goods and Services Consumer Instructional Video Verification of Goods and Services Video Subtitles
(SPANISH) Verification of Goods and Services Video Subtitles
(ARMENIAN) Verification of Goods and Services Video Subtitles
VRC FAQs for Consumers VRC FAQs for Consumers (SPANISH) VRC FAQs for Consumers (ARMENIAN) VRC FAQs for Consumers (TAGALOG)
Vendor Resources
Vendor Video Links
Introduction Letters