We - Can - Work
(High School Work Experience Only)

The We-Can-Work (WCW) contracts are funded by Department of Rehabilitation (DOR) to provide DOR Student Services work based learning experience, as directed by the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) for students with a disability (SWD), ages 16 through 21, who are in high school, and either potentially eligible for or recipients of DOR services.
The DOR Student Services work experience consists of short-term placements either on or off campus. Work experience may include paid/unpaid internships, paid/unpaid employment, summer work experience, work exploration, and job shadowing. The student may participate in more than one work experience placement. Work experiences are intended to be temporary placements to gain experience in the workplace, but not obtain a permanent job. They may also result in the development of any of the following: vocational direction, appropriate work attitudes, ethics, interpersonal skills, speed, and accuracy as well as some limited occupational skills. Work experience is not intended to be training in specific occupational skills. However, as a result of the experience, the student may gain skills.
Additional Resources
We-Can-Work Implementation Guidance
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